Thought Leadership

Something to think about after 1.7M potentially pwned after payment services provider takes a year to notice break-in

The following article is an example of why I recommend that people have a separate bank account for online shopping and for use in stores that do not have chip readers.

For example, I keep my main account separate from the one I use for online shopping so that if my card information is stolen and used, it limits my exposure and the impact of dealing with cleaning up any bad transactions. I transfer smaller amounts of money into that account as needed. I would recommend that others consider doing something similar.

Also keep in mind that if you are using a card at a retailer with the option of swipe or chip, always use the chip. This generates a one-time use card number that if stolen is useless. The swipe uses the card number that can be stored in the retailer’s systems.

I also use online payment processors whenever I can like PayPal as they have enhanced security over many online retailers to prevent my actual card number from being given out multiple times.


The Register: 1.7M potentially pwned after payment services provider takes a year to notice break-in.

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